By definition, scoliosis is a three dimensional curvature of the spine.  It is extremely common.  One in twenty 10-18 year olds will have a scoliosis of some degree.  In 80% of those cases, the cause is unknown.

Myth Buster 1:  Scoliosis is not caused by so called “bad posture” or carrying schools bags or wearing skinny jeans – there is simply no evidence to back this up.

Myth Buster 2: Having a scoliosis means you will get back pain – FALSE

Statistically, the biggest thing people with a scoliosis complain about has nothing to do with pain or dysfunction.  It’s actually body image; I will direct you to my earlier anecdote.  This could be why girls are 10x more likely to report having a scoliosis than boys.  Whilst the incidence of back pain is slightly higher in those with a scoliosis, it is by far a certainty.  Having said that, persistent back pain should always be investigated by a qualified professional so if you have any concerns, get yourself checked out.

I have a scoliosis, what do I need to know?

For the vast majority, being diagnosed with a scoliosis is like being diagnosed freckles – it doesn’t tell you a great deal. Ultimately, the back is a pretty robust structure and if you are fit and healthy, you shouldn’t have a problem.  That means running, contact sports, weightlifting, etc. As long as you are strong enough, you will be fine.

Here is a direct quote from the fastest man on the planet discussing his scoliosis:

“My spine’s really curved, bad… but if I keep my core and back strong, the scoliosis doesn’t really bother me.  So I don’t have to worry about it as long as I work hard”.

In summary, having a scoliosis is not something to be feared.  It’s something which causes the vast majority of people no physical problems what so ever.  On the contrary, you should embrace it and love your curves!  The stigma surrounding a curvy back needs to be eradicated.  If you do have concerns or are experiencing symptoms, do see a qualified professional who can assess you thoroughly.

If you have questions about exercising with a scoliosis or are experiencing back problems, pop in and see the Scarborough Physio and Health Team.  Our physiotherapists will be happy to help and advise you accordingly.


Your physio at Scarborough:

Ameeth has had a diverse career working in both public and private sectors as well as high level sport.  He has held specialist and advanced practitioner roles concentrating on patients with shoulder and lower back conditions.  His main focus was providing diagnostic opinions and advising patients when first and second line treatments had not been effective especially for patients who were keen to avoid surgical intervention.  However, when surgery is unavoidable, Ameeth is fiercely passionate about providing patients with high quality post-operative care. 

Read more about Ameeth’s physiotherapy skills and experience here

You can make an appointment to see Ameeth for all types of pain and injury by clicking here or calling us on (07) 3880 1649 and asking to book with Ameeth. 




(Blog by Ameeth Ruparelia ; Senior Physio Scarborough Physio and Health)