All of our hottest tips and latest news

Tips For Decluttering

Handy tips for decluttering your home - by Sonia Bostock Feeling overwhelmed by the constant mess and needing to spend all weekend cleaning, I decided I needed to make a change. Knowing I had time off when changing jobs, I committed to myself that I was going to do a...

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Sciatica: It’s a pain in the butt!

How to manage yourself and when to seek help - by Chantelle Buck Sciatica is a commonly used term to indicate burning/shooting pain that starts in the glute and runs down the back of your leg. This can happen when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated in the lower...

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6 Top Tips for Youngsters to Stay Injury Free

  Being a youngster in sport is both exciting and character building.  However, there is nothing more frustrating to young sportsmen and women than getting injured.  Every day, parents ask me questions about how to keep their children fit and injury free.  I...

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Love Your Curves: The Truth about Scoliosis

  By definition, scoliosis is a three dimensional curvature of the spine.  It is extremely common.  One in twenty 10-18 year olds will have a scoliosis of some degree.  In 80% of those cases, the cause is unknown. Myth Buster 1:  Scoliosis is not caused by so...

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Bells Palsy

BELLS PALSYBell's Palsy is a neurological condition that affects facial muscles, leading to sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Named after the Scottish anatomist Sir Charles Bell, who first described it in the 19th century, Bell's Palsy is a...

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Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

  YOUR JAW, HEAD AND NECK PAIN COULD BE TMD   The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint is injured from a blow to the jaw or strained due to poor habits like bruxism/clenching of the jaw, even poor...

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How can physiotherapy help your headache?

Ever wondered why you get headaches? If you are among the population that experience headaches, I am sure this question has crossed your mind.  And they are very common. It is ranked as the third most disabling condition in people younger than 50 years old.  ...

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The BEST stretch for those of you who sit all day

Hey guys - this is for those of you who sit for more than 4 hours a day (working from home??) and working from home means that your setup is not ideal, your posture suffers, and you get stiffness in your back in places you wouldn't even think. Check out this short...

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